Monday, November 2, 2009

10 Percent Off Alan and Favorite Post Celebration

It’s official! This weeks -1.5 pound drop makes -34.5 pounds off ! THAT IS 10% OFF ME!!! Join in the sale because this fat must go! Buy a pound, get a pound free! My current special is 2 pounds I’ve had on my hip since High School thanks to Mac and Cheese! Yes folks, you will be seeing “less” of me!
How’d I do it? Well last week there was the pizza, fettuccini alfredo, Chinese food, oh and don’t forget the Halloween chocolate! I know, you're thinking have I've been inhaling too many fumes off my sweaty gym clothes… Seriously, it’s all about the developing Foolsfitness Philosophy of actively choosing by free will to be mindful of nutritional needs, aware of portions, the safe movement of the body, and taking the power of the plate. No fad diets, no 5 minute workout machines, no guilt, there are no good or bad magic foods, no weird supplements or drugs! The diet and fitness industries’ “common” sense… well, lets just say I think it’s time for some “Fools Fitness UNcommon Sense”!
Welcome to some new friends who have recently found my blog and so I would like to invite everyone to look around… take the tour, have a cookie! To all who read I hope you have a laugh, and join me on the adventure. Lets walk the journey together. Here is a few posts I have enjoyed writing that you may have missed or might want to check out or re-read.
My secret 5 minute workout machine can be found here:
My Amazing PEZ diet plan! I love PEZ candy and their dispensers!
If you’ve followed my blog for very long you know my love for Chinese Food Buffets. I thought I’d write about how to eat more and more food:
What Squirrels have taught me:
I tripped over my own arrogance on the treadmill here
And remember at Foolsfitness you too can loose weight quickly and easily by wearing lighter clothes!- Alan


  1. Congrats on the 10%-I'll raise my glass, of water, to the next 10%!

  2. Way to Go on the 10% off Alan!
    If you don't mind I'll pass on taking it off your hands. Or butt??? :D

  3. Way to go on the 10% and on the good lose this week.

  4. 10%?!?! You ROCK!! And there's more to follow, right?? I'm back. I know you missed me.

  5. i love it <3 you're rocking it dude!
    this fat must go indeed!

    i am definitely walking this journey with you. i am so happy to be following your blog, Alan.


Remember that commenting is just the foolsfitness way!