Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1st Anniversary of Foolsfitness April 1st!!! Give-A-Way!

Foolsfitness launched officially 1 year ago today!!! We’ve celebrated by giving away a load of fat! We’ve celebrated by giving away a bit of that trundle and waddle in the walk. We’ve given away some of the wheezing out of breath going up stairs. We’ve celebrated by giving away some of the uncontrolled actions for a more controlled and conscious way of living life more fully.

The leader of Fools Fitness can now slowly jog a 5k, bike miles on end, and play a respectable night of competition volleyball, swim (well dog paddle) for an hour at a time, and fit into clothes that would be unfathomable all 1 year ago. Also the unfathomable, actually going for a couple week stretches without Chinese food buffets! Things big and small like tying my shoes without getting lightheaded or zipping up a flight of stairs without sounding like Darth Vader at the end. 80 something posts and about 90 people along for the adventure…And other great goals achieved!!! .

As for the April 1st fools on me… some of the weight has gone and come back… still the total in the end of the 1st year is 13 pounds lost. More fools prank is stopping and starting pipe smoking a couple of times. My just insane trying to nail down good nutrition thing.

I set lofty goals in my formal declaration of the war on reality one year ago. I will say I really haven’t hit a lot of them, but I have made some tangible success toward many and most of them that I’m very proud about.

I’m not sure if I could be accused of being a casual user of vegetables yet. On the other side I can’t remember the last time sitting down with a bag of cheese curls in front of the tv. I know last Sunday even near freezing I had the undeniable urge to get out and get some exercise… bicycling in the end about 11 miles. Few actors could say I am an athlete without cracking a smile, yet I know I can move unlike last year. I can do things I couldn’t one year ago. If I can consistently nail healthy and sane eating I have *NO* question in my mind of becoming an athlete… The joy and drive of exercise is there. Not Olympic athlete, but a bit of panther in the walk.

The April Fools on you? I give-a-way to you, absolutely nothing other than perhaps a laugh and somehow just possibly a bit of encouragement in your journey too. That might just be worth a little something? Maybe a bit of wisdom as a prank too? Next year at this date will be about one year from now, like it or not time doesn’t stop. You and I will be somewhere anyway… maybe we should try to push toward where we want to be.

So what’s next year. I’m an idealist and it appears I will always aim higher than I can reach. I seriously underestimated the mess my life had become in my years on earth.. Cleaning that mess up is going to take much more time and work. Yet without goals and direction we all will get nowhere fast. Here it goes:

1) merge both a decent caloric intake with also some decent nutritionally dense foods. *This is the keystone
2) continue exercise, next more structured.
3) becoming a personal trainer goal is not abandoned, just delayed. I’m a huge proponent of you must have a life with purpose to have a fulfilling life… Part of that purpose in me is becoming that personal trainer, to be a person who can relate to others having walked in their shoes and really understand things like just getting light headed tying those shoes when you are so heavy. I’m sure most of the athletes who have been healthy all of their lives that are personal trainers are well meaning and many are great at it, but walking in 350 pound shoes I think gives you a better understanding.
4) world domination, of course, is a given.

So my give-a-way to you is a red flag warning… Next year is coming ready or not it will be here in about 350 some odd days. Where do you want to be and what are you planning to get doing/continue to do, to get there?!?! Your give-a way is a warning or a reminder… here comes the future… again.

At Foolsfitness we take this moment to thank every person who has “followed” (I hate that term)… to all those who are in this journey with me together, for your support and comments. For your own blogs and sharing the journey together pulling me along in my low times and allowing me to share in your journey too!!! My other give-a-way of this post a heart felt Thank you. - Foolsfitness, Alan


  1. Happy Anniversary! One year, many lessons learned, progress made and goals ahead. NOt bad. :D Deb

  2. What a sweet post. It's sweet, clever and heartfelt. Happy 1 year anniversary and I'm looking forward to "following" your journey, I mean our journey. It's comforting to know I am not alone in the good, bad and ugly of this weight loss journey.

    You're awesome!!!

  3. happy anniversary alan..yay! i left you an award on my blog..go get it buddy..your doing great! kelli

  4. Happy anniversary alan.
    It's wonderful how far you've come in one year. My one year anniversary is coming up on may 18th. I have something special planned.
    You don't have to give away anything.
    Which you didn't lol.
    I enjoy your blog. IT's right up there in my top ten.

  5. Alan, you are going to make a wonderful personal trainer! I am so glad you haven't let go of that goal.

    You have been doing a lot of inner work, and making a lot of changes. It shows in your love to exercise now... tackling organization of your home... even your willingness to venture into the produce section!

    Happy 1 year Bloggiversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Your give-a-ways are fabulous! Here's to an even more successful year.


Remember that commenting is just the foolsfitness way!