Re-read that last sentence. I’m thinking this “plan” is likely far more likely to see results and far safer than many quick fixes that range from a magic machine, speed pills, or other various snake oil. The industry is great with physiological buzz words too. Shock the system, astonishing, all natural, target those trouble areas, become a fat burning machine, electrolyte hydration, supplement used only until now by prehistoric dinosaurs.
I do not work for PEZ or have their stock, but trust me anyway… just take a PEZ and try to eat decent food without excessively starving or stuffing yourself and try to do some safe physical activity. Or forget the PEZ, but trust me the PEZ containers and candy are fun. No one expects an adult to whip out a Mickey Mouse PEZ dispenser!!! You’ll laugh and burn more calories. Moreover Carrying a PEZ dispenser is like carrying a tiny dumbbell with you where ever you go. I’m Alan and it’s the foolsfitness way.